Details Chapter wise question papers which includes all the minutest details of the chapter, is presented here for the students to attempts post the chapter is taught by our experience teachers, attempting these papers will help the student to gain confidence of the topic and chapter and the important formulas, examples those are dealt here with. At Empower efforts are taken to ensure that the students are by their own and dont need constant monitoring and tracking for their studies and can also study on the move through their gadgets and as per their convenience. The solutions to these papers are also provided which are locked as of now and can be accessed once she opts for the course.
Rational & Irrational Numbers
Compound Interest
Compound Interest - Using Formula
6. Simultaneous Equation (Linear)
7. Indicies
8. Logarithims
9. Triangles
10. Isosceles Triangles
12. Midpoint And Its Converse